Session Details

[23p-13N-1~8]3.5 Ultrashort-pulse and high-intensity lasers (formerly 3.6)

Sat. Mar 23, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:45 PM JST
Sat. Mar 23, 2024 4:30 AM - 6:45 AM UTC
13N (Building No. 1)
Sato Shunsuke(University of Tsukuba)

[23p-13N-1]All-optical swiching in NiCo2O4 thin films.

〇Ryunosuke Takahashi1, Ohkochi Takuo2, Kan Daisuke3, Shimakawa Yuichi3, Wadati Hiroki1,4 (1.Univ. of Hyogo, 2.LASTI, Univ. of Hyogo, 3.ICR, Kyoto Univ., 4.ILE, Osaka Univ.)

[23p-13N-2]Identification of Rotational Direction of Molecules by Infrared Circular Dichroism

〇Hiroki Tsusaka1, Ikki Morichika1, Satoshi Ashihara1 (1.IIS, The University of Tokyo)

[23p-13N-3]Macroscopic High-order Harmonic Generation with Single- and Sub-Cycle Pulses

〇(P)Rambabu Rajpoot1,2, Kaito Nishimiya1,2, Eiji J. Takahashi1,2 (1.Ultrafast Coherent Soft X-ray Photonics Research Team, RAP, RIKEN, Wako, Japan, 2.Extreme Laser Science Laboratory, CPR, RIKEN, Wako, Japan)

[23p-13N-4]Spatio-temporal control of the pseudogap in cuprate superconductors using optical vortex pulses

〇Kazuya Matsumoto1, Taisei Shimizu1, Satoshi Tsuchiya1, Keisaku Yamane1, Ryuji Morita1, Migaku Oda2, Tohru Kurosawa3, Yasunori Toda1 (1.Hokkaido Univ. Eng., 2.Hokkaido Univ. Phys., 3.Muroran Inst. Tech.)

[23p-13N-5]General formulae describing both the correlation function of ultrashort optical pulses and the ultrafast dynamics of molecules

〇Yasuo Nabekawa1, Katsumi Midorikawa1 (1.RIKEN)

[23p-13N-6]100 Gbps direct modulation scheme by utilizing active-MMI laser

〇He Xiao1, Yudai kawano1, Zhenyu Chu1, Haisong Jiang1, Kiichi Hamamoto1 (1.kyushu Univ)

[23p-13N-7]Ultrashort Pulse Width Dependence on Chirped-Pulse Up-Conversion Spectroscopy with Dispersion Compensation

〇Ryo Tamaki1,2, Aoi Maeshiro2, Jun Takeda2, Ikufumi Katayama2 (1.KISTEC, 2.Yokohama Natl. Univ.)

[23p-13N-8]Uncertainties of hard x-ray spectra reconstructed from linear absorption spectrometer data

〇Alexander Pirozhkov1, Chris Armstrong2 (1.KPSI QST, 2.CLF RAL, STFC)