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[23p-13N-8]Uncertainties of hard x-ray spectra reconstructed from linear absorption spectrometer data

〇Alexander Pirozhkov1, Chris Armstrong2 (1.KPSI QST, 2.CLF RAL, STFC)


High-intensity laser-plasma interaction,Hard x-ray and gamma spectra measurement,Reconstructed spectra uncertainties

Accurate characterization of hard x-ray and gamma radiation (0.1 to >10 MeV) is a fundamental challenge in high-intensity laser-plasma interaction experiments. Several types of spectrometers are used in this spectral range. Linear absorption spectrometers [1-2], which use array of scintillators to both attenuate and detect the photons sequentially passing through the scintillators, have high sensitivity and can record single-shot MeV-range data even with laser pulse energy of only ~10 J [3] when the intensity is ~1021 to 1022 W/cm2 [4-5]. However, reconstruction of the spectral shape from the scintillator array signal is non-trivial and involves deconvolution [6]. Here we show how uncertainties of such deconvolution can be quantified, including influence of noise in data and uncertainty of scintillator response. We analyze experimental data and estimate uncertainty of the spectral shape parameters (the temperature and power-law exponent) as well as the error bars of the spectrum itself.