Presentation Information

[23p-1BN-10]Analyses based on MM-MD/FMO collaborative calculation on the complex of influenza virus hemagglutinin and Fab antibody (PDB-ID: 1KEN) - Part 3

〇Shun Kitahara1, Kazuki Akisawa1, Koji Okuwaki1, Hideo Doi1, Eiji Yamamoto2, Yoshinori Hirano2, Kenji Yasuoka2, Yoshiharu Mori2,3, Shigenori Tanaka3, Yuji Mochizuki1,4 (1.Rikkyo Univ., 2.Keio Univ., 3.Kobe Univ, 4.Univ. Tokyo)


Avian influenza virus,MD-FMO linked calculation,Interaction analysis

We have analyzed the interaction between influenza HA trimer and Fab antibody dimer complex (PDB ID=1KEN) using CP decomposition based on MD-FMO combination calculations. Last fall, we reported the results of the inter-protein (i.e., two-protein) analysis. Here, we attempted to treat a fourth-order tensor expanded on the time axis by geometric averaging of IFIEs between important residues of HA and two Fabs. The analyzed results suggest the importance of three-body interactions in antigen-antibody recognition.