Presentation Information

[24a-1BB-1][INVITED] Development of Quantum Spin Microscope for Physical Properties Measurements

〇Kensuke Kobayashi1 (1.Univ. of Tokyo)


diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers (NV centers),quantum sensors,hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) quantum sensor

We aim to measure the magnetic properties of various materials locally and quantitatively using diamond and hBN quantum sensors. In this talk, I will introduce our recent efforts on applications of quantum sensors, including:
1. Observation of superconducting quantum vortices.
2. Investigation of the dependence of NV centers on excitation light intensity to improve accuracy.
3. hBN quantum sensor nanoarray.
4. Isotope control in hBN quantum sensors.
These will serve as fundamental techniques for future precise physical property measurements using quantum sensors.