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[24a-1BB-6]Numerical calcuration of the electlon spin dynamics of NV centers in diamonds driven by MW and strong RF fields

〇(M1)Shunta Onodera1, Yoshikatsu Ohkubo1, Mari Nakagawa1, Yusuke Azuma1, Hideyuki Watanabe2, Satoshi Kashiwaya3, Shintaro Nomura1 (1.Univ. of Tsukuba, 2.AIST, 3.Nagoya Univ.)


NV center in diamond,Floquet theory

Interesting phenomena such as multiple photon transitions and coherent destruction of tunneling are observed under simultaneous excitation of the NV center electron spins in diamond by microwave and RF fields. Here, we discuss the scope of application of a rotating wave approximation (RWA) by comparing the results of numerical calculations in an RWA with the results of exact numerical calculations based on the Floquet theory.