Presentation Information

[24a-P03-4]Depth estimation of cancer invasion with polarization probe S3 imaging using scattering of circularly polarized light

〇Nozomi Nishizawa1, Mike Raj Maskey1, Takahiro Kuchimaru2, Takumi Kobari3, Yusuke Kaneko4, Masato Suzuki3,5, Moritsugu Sakamoto3,5, Masayuki Tanaka4,5, Hiroshi Ono3,5 (1.Kitasato Univ., 2.Jichi Med. Univ., 3.Nagaoka Univ. Tech., 4.OPT. Gate Co., LTD., 5.CREST JST)


Circularly polarized light,Optical biopsy,Light scattering

Depth estimation of cancer invasion using scattering of circularly polarized light is studied with refined point-polarization measurements and the polarization probe S3 imaging methods. The degree of polarization (DOCP) values of light scattered from bi-layered biological tissues show clear differences at approximately 1.5 mm in thickness of cancerous layer in both measurement methods. These results indicate that the feasibility of quantitative estimation of cancer progression in early gastric cancer.