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[24a-P03-7]Monte Carlo simulation for non-invasive leukocyte measurements using scattering of circularly polarized light

〇(B)Yukito Ganko1, Asato Esumi1, Nozomi Nishizawa1 (1.Kitasato Univ.)


Circularly polarized light,hem analysis,Light scattering

Non-invasive and real-time measuring methods for amount of leukocyte are required, because that is important index to indicate variations of a disease and immune function. Depolarization of circularly polarized light scattered from biological tissues depends on the ratio of radius of scatterers and wavelength of the incident light. Therefore, we propose that the circularly polarized light scattering method for evaluating biological tissues can be applied to the non-invasive leukocyte measurement. In this paper, we report the wavelength optimization for increase and decrease of amount of leukocyte using Monte Carlo simulations.