Presentation Information

[24p-11F-2]Fabrication of Silicon Microparticle Dispersion as Terahertz Wave Control Materials

〇(B)Shun Wakiuchi1, Taiyu Okatani1, Naoki Inomata1, Yoshiaki Kanamori1 (1.Tohoku Univ.)


metamaterials,terahertz,effective refractive index

While the terahertz region is being considered as a Beyond 5G/6G communication band, there are few useful natural optical materials. Therefore, we created silicon microparticle dispersions with subwavelength structures by dispersing Si cubes with a side of 300 µm fabricated by microfabrication in cyclo olefin polymers at some predetermined concentrations. As a result, we succeeded in controlling the effective refractive index by changing the Si concentration in the dispersion in the terahertz region of 0.1–0.2 THz.