Presentation Information

[24p-22A-2]Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of MnSb, InSb and MnSb/InSb on GaAs (111) B for spin device application

〇(D)Faysal MD KABIR1, Md Tauhidul Islam1, Masashi Akabori1 (1.Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST),)


III-V semiconductor,,MBE

Ferromagnetic metal/semiconductor (FM/SC) hybrid structures are poised to lead in a new era in the fabrication of spintronic devices, particularly in the development of spin field-effect transistors (spin-FETs) [1]. Hexagonal MnSb, a ferromagnetic metal, demonstrates Consistency with III-V compounds like GaAs and InSb [2,3]. InSb, a narrow-gap semiconductor, exhibits strong spin-orbit coupling. Consequently, the MnSb/InSb hybrid structure emerges as an appealing FM/SC configuration for spin-FET application, but there is no report on the MnSb/InSb structure. Before MnSb/InSb synthesis, we completed MnSb [4] and InSb growth on GaAs(111)B using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) varying growth temperature and beam equivalent pressure (BEP) ratio. After successful growth, we characterized MnSb and InSb samples and selected favourable growth conditions. From the X-ray diffraction (XRD) in Figure 1, we identified the single-phase cubic (111) InSb, but hexagonal (0002) and (0004) MnSb were found with some other mix phases. Film thickness was measured using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Employing atomic force microscopy (AFM), we evaluated the root mean square (RMS) surface roughness of MnSb (~15 nm) and InSb (~8 nm). In the case of MnSb, the boundary appears as a pronounced crack rather than in the InSb case. Since the small structures on MnSb resemble circular shapes, the growth mode looks different between InSb and MnSb. Ferromagnetism of MnSb was confirmed using superconducting quantum interface device (SQUID) magnetometer. Conduction properties of InSb was confirmed using a Hall measurement system. Utilizing the above experience, we successfully synthesized MnSb/InSb/GaAs(111)B heterostructure. Details of the growth and characterization results of hybrid structures will be presented in the presentation.