Presentation Information

[24p-P02-2]Diamond MEMS resonators for real time dual sensing of magnetic fields
and temperatures up to 3 00℃

〇Meiyong Liao1, Zilong Zhang1, Keyun Gu1, Guo Chen1, Liwen Sang1, Satoshi Koizumi1, Yasuo Koide1 (1.NIMS)


Single-crystal diamond,MEMS,Dual sensor

In the present work, we demonstrate the dual functional sensor s for magnetic fields and temperatures up to 300 by using different SCD MEMS resonators integrated with a FeGa/ Ti film and a WC/Ti fi l m separately The multifunctional sensor s can achieve high reliability temperatures mo nitoring and magnetic sensing at 300℃ The present multifunctional sensor offers a promising solution for developing high performance multifunctional sensors capable of magnetic sensing and temperature
monitoring under harsh environments.