Presentation Information

[25a-11F-9]Antenna-enhanced Quantum Ratchet Infrared Detectors

〇Hideki T. Miyazaki1, Takaaki Mano1, Takeshi Noda1, Takeshi Kasaya1, Yusuf B. Habibullah1, Nobuyuki Ishida1 (1.NIMS)


antennas,quantum wells,infrared detectors

Quantum-well infrared photodetectors combined with optical patch antennas are known to exhibit comparable performance with traditional HgCdTe detectors. In this study, we replaced conventional photoconductive quantum wells with a photovoltaic quantum-well structure suitable for high temperature operation and image sensors. Newly designed quantum-well structures named quantum ratchet detectors with high resistance and low noise are embedded in optical antennas and a world-class specific detectivity 6.8×1010 cmHz1/2/W at 6.4 μm wavelength has been demonstrated.