Presentation Information

[25a-12B-1]Isotope Shift and Changes in the Mean Squares of the Isotope Nuclear Charge Radii of Kr I at 4p6 1S0→5d by Two-Photon Absorption Spectroscopy.

〇Katsuki Nomura1, Hidetoshi Shimada2, Nobuo Nishimiya1 (1.TPU of Grad. School, 2.Tokyo Polytechnic Univ.)


two-photon absorption spectroscopy,opto-galvanic spectroscopy,mean squares of nuclear charge radii

We are conducting research on two-photon absorption spectra using Opto-Galvanic spectroscopy to develop small-scale, high-resolution spectroscopic measurements.
We are studying Kr atoms with the aim of elucidating their atomic structure through detailed investigations of hyperfine structure spectra, isotope shifts, and differences in the root mean square of the nuclear charge radii.
In presentation at a conference, I will focus on the electronic transition from 5s[3/2]1 to 5d[3/2]2.