Presentation Information

[25a-12B-8]Experimental Verification of Non-Linear Dynamic Light Scattering of Stimulated Raman Effect

〇(PC)Keisuke Seto1, Takayoshi Kobayashi2, Eiji Tokunaga1 (1.Tokyo Univ. Sci., 2.NYCU)


stimulated Raman,dynamic light scattering,correlation spectroscopy

Dynamic light scattering (DLS) evaluates the diffusion constant of colloidal systems based on refractive index fluctuations. One can analyze the particle size, drift velocity, correlation length of gels, and so on based on the diffusion constant. However, DLS is insensitive to differences in chemical structure, making it challenging to analyze specific dispersants or interactions between dispersants in a foreign system. Therefore, we have proposed a nonlinear dynamic light scattering method based on the stimulated Raman effect that reflects molecular vibration. In this talk, we experimentally validate our method by evaluating known particulate dispersions.