Presentation Information

[25a-1BC-1]Structural Elucidation of Benzenediisocyanide Single-Molecule Junction by Combining SERS and Electrical Measurement

〇(B)Moe Ichikawa1, Satoshi Kaneko1, Kazuhito Tsukagoshi2, Tomoaki Nishino1 (1.Tokyo Tech, 2.NIMS MANA)


single-molecular junction,Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering

Single-molecule junctions (SMJs) connect a single molecule to metal electrodes and have potential applications in molecular electronics. The structure-conductance relationship in SMJs is crucial in controlling their electronic properties, but its elucidation remains a fundamental subject. This study investigates the conductance dependence of the conformation of benzenediisocyanide (BDI) SMJs, with a focus on the NC stretching mode. We successfully detect the variation of vibrational energy depending on conductance through the combined measurement of Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and electrical conductance. In comparison with the vibrational energy calculated by density functional theory, we revealed the conformation of BDI in a SMJ.