Presentation Information

[25a-1BC-2]Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscope Measurements of Self-assembled Monolayers using an Electrodeposited Gold Probe

〇(P)Yuzu Kobayashi1,2, Yasuyuki Yokota1, Yasufumi Takahashi3,4, Jun Takeya5, Yousoo Kim1,6 (1.RIKEN, 2.JSTPRESTO, 3.School of Engineering Nagoya Univ., 4.WPI NanoLSI Kanazawa Univ., 5.Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Univ. Tokyo, 6.Faculty of Engineering Univ. Tokyo)


Self-assemled monolayer,Electrochemistry,STM

In this study, probes for electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (electrochemical STM) were fabricated by a novel method of electrochemically depositing gold on a graphite microelectrode with a diameter of several hundred nanometer. Using this probe, electrochemical STM measurements of self-assembled monolayers of terphenylthiol on Au(111) were successfully performed. This method greatly improves the success rate of probe fabrication, which has been a 30-year problem in electrochemical STM, and is expected to advance the nano-scale measurement techniques of electrochemical interfaces.