Presentation Information

[25a-1BC-6]Analyzing output power of P(VDF-TrFE) dipolar-energy-based triboelectric generators by using thermally stimulated current measurement

〇Yusuke Okamoto1, Dai Taguchi1, Takaaki Manaka1 (1.Tokyo tech)


triboelectric generator,thermally stimulated current,P(VDF-TrFE)

Research on triboelectric power generation is developing into an unconventional power source using new materials and device structures. In addition to electrostatic methods, power generation by rotation of dipoles has also been discussed. We have proposed a power generation model in which oriented permanent dipoles are depolarized to supply power to an external load. In this model, the power generation performance is determined by the dipolar relaxation time of the material τ (current source Is=P0A/τ, internal conductance Gi=Cs/τ, P0: initial polarization, A: electrode area, Cs: static capacitance). In this presentation, the origin of the peak at -30ºC in thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurements of P(VDF-TrFE) with permanent dipole is clarified experimentally as dipole depolarization from the symmetry of the current waveform, and the maximum power Pm of the I-V characteristics is investigated from the relaxation time τ.