Presentation Information

[25a-52A-7]High-Frequency Rectification Characteristics of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor SBD

〇Yasuo Ohno1,2, Hiroko Itoh2, Tomomi Hiraoka2, Masataka Higashiwaki1,3 (1.Osaka Metropolitan Univ., 2.Laser Systems Inc., 3.NICT)


wide band-gap,rectenna,shottky barrier diode

At high frequencies, rectifier diodes generate significant losses due to the displacement current that charges and discharges the depletion layer capacitance. Semiconductors with high-breakdown field strength can lower the depletion layer capacitance with a high donor concentration, a thin active layer, and a smaller anode area, while the DC characteristics are the same.
We analyzed the relationship between the rectenna circuit efficiency and the material properties of various semiconductors. It is shown that wide bandgap semiconductors are suitable for rectenna circuits in wireless power transmission.