Presentation Information

[25a-61C-1]Non-destructive elemental mapping using surface scanning electron microscopy/ energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Bayesian inference

〇Yutaka Hoshina1, Chihiro Yamasaki2, kaoru Kato3 (1.Sumitomo Electric, 2.Osaka Univ., 3.World Intec)


EDX analysis,non-destructive,Bayesian inference

We have established a non-destructive method to estimate the elemental depth profile of the sample using the surface SEM/EDX analysis data and Bayesian inference. This new method is much simpler than destructive analyses such as cross-sectional observation and offers the estimation of the composition and thickness of each layer in the thin film layered structure with evaluation accuracy. This method is expected to have a variety of applications as a sample evaluation method.