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[25p-11E-4]All-photonic THz detection using CW laser injection-locked to optical comb (3)
~ Study on detection of modulkated THz signal ~

〇(M2)Yudai Matsumura1, Eiji Hase1,2, Yu Tokizane1,2, Naoya Kuse1,2, Takeo Minamikawa1,3, Junichi Hujikata1,2, Hiroki Kishikawa1,2, Masanobu Haraguchi1,2, Yasuhiro Okamura1,4, Takahiro Kaji5, Akira Otomo5, Atsushi Kanno5,6, Shintaro Hisatake7, Takeshi Yasui1,2 (1.Tokushima Univ., 2.Com^2, 3.Osaka Univ., 4.Yamanashi Univ., 5.NICT, 6.Nagoya Inst. Tech., 7.Gifu Univ.)


terahertz,micro optical comb,EO polymer

High-power two-wavelength phase-locked laser beams (optical frequencies ν1, ν2) have been generated by optical injection synchronization of a DFB laser pair with an optical frequency difference set to 101 GHz into an electro-optic modulator-based optical comb (EOM comb), and an unmodulated THz wave (frequency 1 GHz) has been generated by using these as optical carriers in an optical waveguide propagated EOP modulator The RF beat signals (frequency 1 GHz) of the ν1 modulation sideband and ν2 carriers were detected by irradiating the EOP modulator (frequency 100 GHz) with these as optical carriers. Prior to the detection of the modulated THz wave, a theoretical study on all-optical THz detection was carried out.