Presentation Information

[25p-11E-8]Development of Voltage-Controlled Terahertz Chemical Microscope for The High-Sensitive Detection of Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells

〇Mana Murakami1, Xue Ding1, Sayaka Tsuji1, Jin Wang1, Hirofumi Inoue2, Toshihiko Kiwa1 (1.Okayama Univ. HS, 2.Okayama Univ.)



In recent years, it is said that one in two people in Japan will suffer from cancer, and early detection and treatment are required. We are developing a terahertz wave (THz) chemical microscope (TCM : Terahertz Chemical Microscope) that can quantitatively evaluate cancer cells floating in solutions using antigen-antibody reactions. So far, we have succeeded in showing the correlation between the concentration of cancer cells and the intensity of terahertz waves. In this study, we report that we succeeded in improving detection sensitivity by applying a voltage to the sensing plate, which is a THz radiating element used in TCM.