Presentation Information

[25p-12H-7][JSAP Kenji Natori Award Speech] Micro/Nano-Pattering of DLC films using Room-temperature Nanoimprint and Human Resource Development

〇Shuji Kiyohara1,2, Ippei Ishikawa1,2, Takahiro Bando3, Toru Harigai3, Hirofumi Takikawa3, Yuichi Kurashima4 (1.NIT, Maizuru College, 2.NTEC, 3.TUT, 4.AIST)


nanoimprint,DLC,semiconductor human resource development

Advanced technologies such as 5G smartphones, AI robots, data centers, electric vehicles, and self-driving cars advance, demand for electronic devices equipped with semiconductors manufactured using nanotechnology is rapidly increasing year by year. For this reason, National College of Technology (NIT) in Kyushu are conducting practical training to develop semiconductor human resources. In the future, NIT across the country will be required to develop semiconductor enginners. NIT, Maizuru College is equipped with facilities related to semiconductor processes (previous processes), such as the Nanotechnology Education Center. Therefore, in this research, we will implement the Basic Semiconductor Human Resources Development Program using these facilities, and will teach elementary and junior high school students and our students, semiconductor device process (previous process) [micro/nano pattern formation of diamond-like carbon]. The purpose is to develop semiconductor engineers.