Presentation Information
[25p-12P-2][The 8th Photonics Encouragement Award Speech] Linear optical quantum computation with frequency-comb qubits and passive devices
〇Tomohiro Yamazaki1,2, Tomoaki Arizono3, Toshiki Kobayashi3,4, Rikizo Ikuta3,4, Takashi Yamamoto3,4 (1.NTTBRL, 2.NTTTQC, 3.Osaka Univ., 4.QIQB)
quantum computation,linear optics,frequency comb
In quantum computation using photons, various degrees of freedom of photons such as polarization and time bins are used. Although the use of time-frequency degree of freedom is relatively error-free, it requires active devices such as fast switches for quantum operations. In this study, we show that quantum computation can be performed only by passive devices such as time-resolving photon detectors and optical interleavers by using quantum frequency comes consisting of a single photon as a qubit.