Presentation Information

[14a-K303-3]Giant nonreciprocal transparency by magnetochiral metamolecules

〇Kentaro Mita1, Toshiyuki Kodama1, Tetsuya Ueda2, Toshihiro Nakanishi3, Kei Sawada4, Takahiro Chiba1, Satoshi Tomita1 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.Kyoto Inst. of Tech., 3.Kyoto Univ., 4.RIKEN)


metamaterial,magnon polaritons,unidirectional transmission

A material's optical response is related to the symmetry of the system. In systems that break both time-reversal and spatial inversion symmetry, a polarization-independent birefringence known as the magneto-chiral effect occurs. In our previous microwave transmission measurements of magneto-chiral metamolecules composed of copper helices and ferrite rods, we observed ultrastrong coupling between magnons and photons. In this study, by optimizing the magneto-chiral metamolecules, we observed giant non-reciprocity in the unidirectional transmission of microwaves.


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