Presentation Information

[14a-P05-13]Study of magnetic alignment in REBa2Cu3Oy through sample-transport-based modulated rotating magnetic field application (II)

〇Shintaro Adachi1, Fumiko Kimura1, Shigeru Horii1 (1.KUAS)


superconductor,magnetic alignment,REBa2Cu3Oy (REBCO,RE123)

In this study, we will collect basic data about the degree of orientation for Dy123 grains with epoxy resin, when the samples are magnetically aligned at various transport speeds using the present magnet array and the sample-transport system of the linear drive type of modulated rotating magnetic fields (LDT-MRFs) equipment. The evaluation of the magnetically aligned Dy123 sample will be performed using the (103) pole figure of the sample. In this presentation, we will provide details of the experimental methods and results.


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