Presentation Information

[14a-P05-24]Relationships Among the Formulas for Transition Temperatures in Superconducting-Normal (SN) Bilayer Thin Films and Notes on Their Applicability: For Researchers in Superconducting Devices

〇Takayuki Kubo1,2 (1.KEK, 2.Sokendai)


superconductor,proximity effect,critical temperature

The proximity effect in superconducting-normal (SN) bilayer thin films plays an important role in the design of superconducting devices such as TES and KID. This presentation focuses on McMillan's formula, which describes the transition temperature of NS bilayers, and organizes its relationship with other formulas, such as those by Cooper and Martinis, while clarifying their applicability ranges. McMillan's formula, with its broader applicability, is recommended for device researchers. The proximity effect in SS bilayer thin films is also discussed.


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