Presentation Information

[14a-P05-4]Physical Property Measurements of La4M3O10 (M = Ni, Co) Under High Pressure

〇Hibiki Nagata1,2, Hiroya Sakurai1, Yuta Ueki1,2, Kazuki Yamane1,2, Ryo Matsumoto1, Kensei Terashima1, Keisuke Hirose3, Hiroto Ohta3, Masaki Kato3, Yoshihiko Takano1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba, 3.Doshisha Univ.)



We previously reported that trilayer Nickelate La4Ni3O9.99 exhibits pressure-induced superconductivity above 32.8 GPa. In this study, aiming to enhance the superconducting transition temperature of La4Ni3O10+δ through oxygen content control and element substitution, we synthesized La4Ni3O10.04 and layered cobalt oxide: La4Co3O10+δ. Electrical resistance measurements of these samples under high pressure were also conducted, and the results will be presented.


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