Presentation Information

[14a-P05-5]Characterization of new Ruddlesden-Popper type compound Sr3Ni2O5Cl2

〇Kazuki Yamane1,2, Ryo Matsumoto1, Kensei Terashima1, Hiroya Sakurai1, Yoshihiko Takano1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba)



The discovery of high temperature superconductivity under high pressure in La3Ni2O7 has led to predictions that the isostructural compound Sr3Ni2O5Cl2 could exhibit superconductivity at ambient pressure. We successfully synthesized Sr3Ni2O5Cl2 and conducted detailed physical property measurements. Temperature dependence of electrical resistance revealed a gradual increase in resistance at low temperatures, suggesting metallic nature. In the future, we will synthesize high purity bulk samples and perform magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements to further understand the material's properties and achieve superconductivity.


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