Presentation Information
[14a-P05-7]Evaluation of Physical Properties in Misfit Compounds with Ag Element Substitution
〇(M1C)Ryonosuke Nakata1, Rumi Uchino1, Shogo Kuwahara1, Tadataka Watanabe1, Satoshi Demura1 (1.CST Nihon Univ.)
Superconductivity,Bulk,Elemental substitution
Misfit layered compounds have a crystal structure in which insulating layers and conducting layers are alternately stacked via van der Waals forces. The superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of (BiSe)1.10(NbSe2) is approximately 2.7 K, and it exhibits anisotropy in the upper critical field along the in-plane crystal axes. However, Tc is lower than that of NbSe2 alone (Tc = 7 K), suggesting the potential for improvement in the transition temperature. In this study, we attempted to control Tc by introducing hole carrier doping into the NbSe2 layers through elemental substitution. In this presentation, we will discuss changes in superconducting properties caused by Ag substitution.
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