Presentation Information

[14p-K207-18]Relationship between interfacial adhesion and interfacial structure in CNT/epoxy resin

〇Tenma Hiraishi1, Tomoe Yayama1, Fumiko Akagi1 (1.Kogakuin Univ.)


carbon nanotube,composite material,molecular dynamics

We are focusing on the relationship between the structure of the resin and the interfacial adhesion strength to improve the adhesion strength of the CNT/resin composite material interface.CNT/epoxy resin composite model was created using molecular dynamics and the interfacial adhesion force between CNTs and resin was calculated through a CNT pull-out simulation.The relationship between the interfacial adhesion strength, the shape of DGEBA, and the orientation structure relative to CNTs was also investigated. The results showed that the presence or absence of defects in the CNTs and the presence or absence of bonds between the CNTs and the resin resulted in differences in the shape and orientation structure of the resin near the CNTs and in the interfacial adhesion strength.


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