Presentation Information

[14p-K303-4]Nonreciprocity of Spin Wave with Small Wavenumber in Ferromagnetic Bilayer

〇(B)Shion Yoshimura1, Kento Yasui1, Shugo Yoshii1, Ryo Ohshima1, Masashi Shiraishi1 (1.Kyoto Univ.)


spin wave,nonreciprocity,ferromagnetic bilayer

Spin wave nonreciprocity is essential for achieving unidirectional propagation. A ferromagnetic bilayer, composed of two ferromagnets with different saturation magnetizations, exhibits considerably large frequency nonreciprocity despite its simple structure. However, achieving significant nonreciprocity so far requires a large wavenumber, at which the group velocity tends to decrease. In this study, we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that strong nonreciprocity is realized at a small wavenumber by changing the thickness of the bilayer and modulating the wavenumber at which spin wave modes couple.


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