Presentation Information
[14p-K304-2]Highly sensitive and contact-free measurement of thermal fluctuation of ripplon in water droplet using a high-Q optical cavity
〇Motoki Asano1, Riku Takahashi1,2, Koji Sakai1,2, Aya Tanaka1,2, Hiroshi Yamaguchi1, Hajime Okamoto1 (1.NTT BRL, 2.NTT BMC)
Cavity optomechanics,Ripplon
By using light strongly confined in an optical cavity, the interaction with a solid-state mechanical resonator is enhanced and the mechanical vibration can be measured in the standard quantum limit. However, it has been difficult to use a resonator for vibration measurement of a liquid in which the optical Q factor of the cavity is significantly degraded by light scattering and absorption. We demonstrated a cavity-enhanced measurement of surface tension waves (ripplons) generated by the surface tension of water droplets as vapor fluctuations, and succeeded in measuring nanometer-scale thermal fluctuations.
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