Presentation Information
[14p-K304-6]Three-dimensional imaging of domain walls in periodically-poled LiNbO3 using simultaneous Brillouin and Raman microscopy
〇Bertz Morten1, Kudryashov Igor1, Derevyanchuk Dmitry1, Morihira Yasushi1, Kawamura Kenichi1 (1.Tokyo Instruments)
domain wall,Brillouin scattering,acoustic phonon imaging
The study of domain walls in ferroelectric materials such as periodically-poled lithium niobate (ppLN) has garnered significant interest due to their potential for optoelectronic applications, but many of their underlying physical properties remain uncharacterized. Here, we present a novel approach for simultaneous 3D Brillouin and Raman imaging of ferroelectric domain walls in ppLN. By combining Raman spectroscopy and Brillouin scattering, we achieve high-resolution visualization of both acoustic and optical phonon modes. This high-speed, dual-modality imaging technique not only gives access to the mechanical properties of domain walls but also reveals poling defects. Our results demonstrate the potential of combined Brillouin/Raman imaging for advancing the understanding of ferroelectric materials and enhancing the performance of various optoelectronic devices.
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