Presentation Information

[14p-K310-1]Supporting Tool for Improving Ammeter and Voltmeter Pointer-Reading Skills

〇(M2C)Yuichiro Kobayashi1, Keisuke Niwase1 (1.Hyogo Univ. of Teacher Edu.)


Junior high school,Electricity education,Measurement skills

In junior high school science classes, mastering concepts such as electric current and voltage through circuit experiments can be challenging, partly due to difficulties in reading analog ammeter and voltmeter pointers. This study developed a supporting tool consisting of a digital ammeter and voltmeter, along with composite terminals and cables to address this issue. We employed “VAMeter,” an open-source data logger that enables flexible display settings and measurement corrections, as our digital ammeter and voltmeter. To reduce wiring complexity, we created composite terminals that stack onto standard meter terminals, enabling students to focus on experiments. A classroom implementation with 139 second-year junior high school students in Hyogo Prefecture showed an improvement in pointer-reading accuracy: from 45.4% to 68.3% for ammeters and 63.3% for voltmeters. These results suggest the tool can effectively improve ammeter and voltmeter pointer-reading skills.


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