Presentation Information

[14p-K406-7]Bidentate Atomic Groove Epitaxy of Linear Bisazomethine Dye Molecules on an Uniaxially Aligned Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) Surface

〇Toshihiko Tanaka1,2, Masamitsu Ishitobi3, Tetsuya Aoyama1 (1.RIKEN RAP, 2.NIT Fukushima Coll., 3.Central Glass)


orientation,poly(tetrafluoroethylene),bisazomethine dye

A bidentate interaction between a bisazomethine dye and an aligned PTFE surface accouts for the moderately high orientational degree S=0.93 of the solid thin films deposited on an aligned PTFE layer. The interaction was calculated for an MD model of one dye molecule and 8 aligned PTFE chains.


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