Presentation Information

[14p-K504-1][The 46th Young Scientist Award Speech] Two coupled resonant-tunneling-diode oscillators with a cavity resonator for high-power coherent terahertz radiation

〇Feifan Han1, Takumi Shimura1, Hiroki Tanaka1, Safumi Suzuki1 (1.Science Tokyo.)


Terahertz,Resonant tunneling diode,Cavity resonator

Resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) have shown potential as a terahertz (THz) source due to its compactness and room-temperature operation. Recently, high power operations of 0.73 and 10 mW at 1 and 0.45 THz were achieved by 89 and 36 elements array, respectively. In addition to array configuration, efforts to enhance the output power of a single oscillator are also in progress. An injection locking with mutual coupling between RTD oscillators through ring slot antenna for coherent power combination was reported. Apart from mutual coupling, we have proposed a low-loss cavity resonator for a high-power single oscillator and achieved 0.2 and 0.1 mW at 0.53 and 0.73 THz in the preliminary experiments, respectively. A combination of both technologies of mutual coupling and cavity leads to high output power of a single oscillator.


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