Presentation Information

[14p-K505-2]Analysis of guided modes in a photonic graphene ribbon with air cladding

〇(D)Chengkun Zhang1,2, Natsuko Ishida1, Yasutomo Ota3, Satoshi Iwamoto1,2 (1.RCAST, 2.IIS, 3.Keio Univ.)


photonic crystal,wide mode area,waveguide

Photonic crystal (PhC) waveguides utilizing light confinement by photonic bandgap are attractive in integration and miniaturization of photonic integrated circuits. However, the localized modes in conventional PhC waveguides and topological PhC interfaces exhibit a narrow mode area, limiting their capacity for large energy transport. Recently, by inserting a PhC with Dirac point between two distinct topological PhCs, photonic heterostructures supporting wide-mode-area single modes have been proposed in various topological photonic systems. An interesting question is whether topological PhCs are necessary to support single guided modes with a wide mode area. In this study, we found that photonic graphene ribbon without valley PhCs cladding can also support single guided modes with a wide mode area.


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