Presentation Information

[14p-K505-8]Splitting of an exceptional point into nonlinear bifurcation points in anti-parity-time symmetric coupled cavities

〇Takahiro Uemura1,2, Kenta Takata2,3, Masaya Notomi1,2,3 (1.Science Tokyo, 2.NTT BRL, 3.NTT NPC)


photonic crystal,non-Hermitian optics,Exceptional point

Exception points (EPs), which are singularities that appear in non-Hermitian systems with PT or anti-PT symmetry, are defined in linear systems, but gain saturation appears as a nonlinear term in systems with real gains. Recently, the similarity between EP and nonlinear bifurcation points in linear systems has been pointed out. In this study, we analyze a theoretical model of a dissipative coupled resonator system with gain saturation. We show that under anti-PT symmetry, the EP splits into two nonlinear bifurcation points above the oscillation threshold while retaining its properties.


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