Presentation Information

[14p-K506-10]Fabrication of polarization-selective perfect absorber for 340 nm ultraviolet light using Al nanohole array structure

〇Keita Narita1, Kazumasa Hiramatsu1, Atsushi Motogaito1 (1.Mie Univ.)


Fano resonance,Al nanohole array,Perfect absorber

Aiming at application to ultraviolet optical switching devices, we fabricated a light absorber that selectively and completely absorbs TM and TE polarized light at a wavelength of 340 nm using a two-layer Al nanohole array structure. In addition, by analyzing the electromagnetic field distribution using the rigorous coupling wave of analysis (RCWA) method, we were able to elucidate that strong absorption occurs due to Fano resonance, which is a resonance phenomenon between localized surface plasmons and propagating surface plasmons.


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