Presentation Information
[14p-K506-9]Second-order nonlinear optical behavior of L-shaped Si nanostructure
〇Marina Shimada1, Kei Hosomi1, Masayoshi Kamiya1, Atsushi Sugita1 (1.Shizuoka Univ.)
Si nanoparticles,Mie resonance,nonlinear optics
Second harmonic generation (SHG) behavior of L-shaped Si nanoparticles is reported. Si has no second-order nonlinear susceptibility due to its inversion-symmetric structure. However, they do have a surface nonlinear susceptibility due to the broken symmetry at the surface. Here, we try to enhance the surface nonlinear susceptibility by taking advantage of Mie resonance excitation and tailoring the particle shape. Our experimental results show that the SHG signal intensity is greatly enhanced under the Mie resonance excitation condition. In addition, the enhanced SHG signal was highly dependent on the pump light wavelength and its polarization. In this presentation, Mie resonance mode patterns triggering the SHG enhancement is also discussed on the basis of numerical simulations.
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