Presentation Information
[14p-K507-17]Theoretical investigation on interactions between H atom and Ni3C (113) surfaces by DFT calculations
〇Kohei Tada1, Sho Yamaguchi1, Tomoo Mizugaki1, Ryohei Kishi1, Yasutaka Kitagawa1 (1.Osaka Univ.)
Metal carbide,Density functional theory,Hydrogen
Recently, it was reported that nickel carbide (Ni3C) shows high catalytic activities in hydrogen evolution and hydrogenations. However, the electronic structure of Ni3C is poorly known, and its surface reactivity is still unclear. In this preentation, the electronic structure of Ni3C and its interaction with H are investigated using density functional theory. The calculated results have shown a resonance structures to explain the interaction between H and Ni3C.
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