Presentation Information

[14p-K508-11]Predicting Purcell Enhancement of quasi-Bound States in the Continuum with Spectral Parameters

〇(P)JoshuaTinYau Tse1, Taisuke Enomoto1, Shunsuke Murai1, Katsuhisa Tanaka1 (1.Kyoto Univ.)


Purcell effect,quasi-BIC,nanophotonics

The Purcell effect describes the enhancement of spontaneous emission of quantum emitters inside an optical cavity. However, predicting the Purcell enhancement provided by the optical cavity has been difficult in empirical structures as predicting the effective modal volume requiring the knowledge of the nearfield. In this work, we analyzed the Purcell effect from quasi-bound states in the continuum (BIC) with our proposed analytical model and predicted the photoluminescence enhancement of the quasi-BIC with spectral parameters. Quasi-BIC are detuned BIC that exhibits extraordinarily high quality factor and have gathered massive attention as a platform to enhance luminescent processes. Our model also revealed the significant influence of the radiative decay rate on the performance of the quasi-BIC as photoluminescence enhancement platforms.


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