Presentation Information
[15a-K305-2]Numerical simulation of gradient and thermophoretic forces in optical manipulation
〇Kenji Setoura1, Koki Ide2, Takayuki Suzuki2, Tetsuro Tsuji3 (1.Univ. Hyogo, 2.Kobe City Col. Tech., 3.Kyoto Univ.)
optical tweezers,thermophoresis,optothermal manipulation
In optical manipulation, localized temperature gradients arise due to high-intensity laser irradiation, leading to temperture-induced phenomena such as fluid convection and thermophoresis. This presentation reports on Brownian dynamics simulations of the trapping behavior of polystyrene nanoparticles diffusing in water under the simultaneous influence of optical gradient forces and thermophoretic forces generated by a focused near-infrared laser.
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