Presentation Information
[15a-K305-5]Control of Optical Properties of Supraparticle Composed of Silicon Nanoparticles with Temperature-Responsive Polymer
〇Shintaro Kono1, Vu Thi Oanh1, Hiroshi Sugimoto1, Minoru Fujii1 (1.Kobe Univ.)
Silicon nanosphere,Mie resonance,Supraparticle
Crystalline silicon nanosphere with a very high refractive index and a small extinction coefficient exhibits magnetic/electric dipole resonance in the visible range. In my previous presentation, we fabricated a supraparticle realized by colloidal self-assembly of silicon nanospheres and evaluated the optical properties depending on the size of the constituent silicon nanospheres and the interparticle distance controlled by thermal oxidation. In this study, we will develop a technique to actively control the distance between constituent silicon nanospheres and reveal the optical properties of single structures both experimentally and theoretically.
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