Presentation Information

[15a-K308-2]Carrier-envelope-phase-stable pulse compression of Yb laser pulses with 80-W average power at MHz-repetition rate

〇Takuya Okamoto1, Kohei Nagai1, Kenichi Hitachi1, Ming-Chang Chen2, Haruki Sanada1, Katsuya Oguri1 (1.NTT BRL., 2.NTHU)


intense ultrafast light source,pulse compression,carrier envelope phase

We compressed carrier-envelope phase(CEP)-stabilized Yb laser pulses with an average power of 80 W using the multiple-plate continuum (MPC) compression at a 1-MHz repetition rate. When the pulse duration was compressed from 190 to 27 fs, no CEP jumps were observed, despite the long-term CEP stability increasing from 249 to 347 mrad. Our results demonstrate that the MPC method is applicable for generating CEP-stable few-cycle pulses, paving the way for the unprecedented MHz operation of isolated attosecond pulse generation.


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