Presentation Information
[15a-K505-4]Nanoscale OAM light generation with asymmetric hollow nanowire design
〇(B)Xuen Zhen Lim1, Masato Takiguchi1,2, Ryuji Kuruma3, Hisashi Sumikura1,2, Masaya Notomi1,2,3 (1.NTT BRL, 2.NTT NPC, 3.Science Tokyo)
OAM is achieved with a hexagonal GaN hollow nanowire by breaking the geometrical mirror symmetry using an alternative central airhole design. The central airhole is designed using six overlapping circular airholes placed in a circular formation, creating a gear-like pattern. The radius, radial offset, and rotational offset of the airholes are then optimized with Fuzzy Self-Tuning Particle Swarm Algorithm. In this study, we were able to achieve an OAM of |l|=5.7 with a mode purity of 97% and Q-factor of 200-250 on a whispering gallery mode of order m=6.
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