Presentation Information
[15a-K506-1]Effect of lattice period on the viewing angle of a metalens
〇(B)Kosuke Nishiura1, Atsushi Hasegawa1, Keisuke Ozawa2, Yuki Abe2, Mineki Taoka2, Takeshi Yamagishi2, Kentaro Iwami1 (1.TUAT, 2.Samsung R&D Institute Japan)
In the previous study, the viewing angle was increased by decreasing the lattice period of the metalens. We investigated the cause of this increase in terms of transmittance and discretization of the phase distribution, and analyzed period of 266 nm. The transmittance did not increase with decreasing the period and did not contribute to the increase in viewing angle. It was found that the average number of sampling points in the phase range of 2π must satisfy more than 4 points for viewing angle expansion, and this condition is satisfied for the period of 266 nm. From the above, we think that viewing angle expansion can be expected with a period of 266 nm.
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