Presentation Information
[15a-K506-2]Design of a circular polarization selective collimator with metasurface for LEDs
〇Yohei Yo Taguchi1, Murata Yuki1, Ichikawa Shuhei1,2, Tabata Hiroshi1, Toda Shintaro3,1, Kojima Kazunobu1 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng., Osaka Univ., 2.Research Center for UHVEM, Osaka Univ., 3.ULVAC Inc.)
Circularly polarized light is expected to be applied to a wide range of fields such as optical communications and 3D displays, and the development of current-driven single circularly polarized light emitting devices for high integration and high efficiency is one of the most important issues for the realization of next-generation optical devices. In this study, we propose a single circularly polarized light emitting device based on a (0001) InGaN light emitting diode (LED) with high external quantum efficiency combined with metasurfaces.
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