Presentation Information

[15a-P02-17]g-C3N4/P3HT thin film heterojunction photo-sensor characteristics

〇Hiroki Yanagisawa1, Taiki Ito1, Kosei Ito1, Kei Noda1 (1.Keio Univ.)


Photodetector,g-C3N4,Organic semiconductor

In this talk, we report on the properties of thin film heterojunctions of n-type organic semiconductor material, polymeric carbon nitride g-C3N4, and p-type organic semiconductor, P3HT, as optical sensors. g-C3N4 has attracted attention in the field of optical sensors and solar cells because of its visible light responsivity and atmospheric stability. We have formed a thin-film heterojunction of g-C3N4 and P3HT, and used SnO2 as a buffer layer to evaluate its properties as an optical sensor.


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