Presentation Information

[15a-P02-24]Photoluminescence amplification by propagating surface plasmon using plasmonic WGM resonators

〇Seina Miyamoto1, Minami Takaishi2, Takeshi Komino2 (1.Sci., Univ Hyogo., 2.Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ Hyogo.)



In order to suppress the quenching of excitons by propagating plasmons in bulk metals, we localized propagating surface plasmons using micro-resonators. We used WGM resonators which can obtain high Q factors. We fabricated WGM resonators by fabricating microdisks on the surface of a glass substrate using photolithography, and then depositing a metal layer, spacer layer, and photoluminescent layer in that order. In our presentation, we will discuss the photoluminescence amplification due to the electric field enhancement effect of surface plasmons based on the obtained photoluminescence spectrum.


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