Presentation Information

[15a-P02-25]Fabrication of disk-shaped WGM microcavities and formulation of their amplified spontaneous emission thresholds

〇(M1)Kazuki Imada1, Seina Miyamoto1, Tokuji Yokomatsu2, Kazusuke Maenaka2, Takeshi Komino1 (1.Grad Sch. Sci., Univ. Hyogo., 2.Grad Sch. Eng., Univ. Hyogo.)


WGM,whispering gallery mode,resonator

In whispering gallery mode (WGM), the energy threshold for amplified spontaneous emission (ASE threshold) tends to be higher than the ASE threshold for general slab waveguides. To investigate the origin of this, we formulated the ASE threshold and compared the results of calculations with those of measurements.


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